What is RON? 1 RON = 0.23 EURO (approx.) |  Romanian version My booking
Accomodation in pensions
 Cube GPS positioning:   ,
City: Eforie Nord
Distance to station: km
Distance from city centre: km

villa Cube 4****

Phone number: Click here to see the phone number!
Address: statiunea Eforie Nord, Strada Republicii nr 36, zona Grand - Nunta Zamfirei


Based on 1 reviews
Reviews are only given by tourists who stayed here
useri recomanda1 tourists recommend this


  • Clean 10
  • Comfort 10
  • Staff 10
  • Services 10
  • Location 8.5
  • Value for money 10
  • Food N/A

Tourist type

  • All (1)
  • Family with small children
  • Family
  • Young couple
  • Adult couple
  • Single
  • Group
Reviews: 1
  • Comentariu pentru  Cube
    Este al doilea an in care ne-am cazat la Vila Cube Stone si nu regretem. A fost o alegere foarte buna si nu ne pare rau pentru ca ne-am simtit ca acasa, defapt putem spune ca a fost extraordinar.
    Cube : Multumim si noi si va mai asteptam ! - 11.09.2013 12:37
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